The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)

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The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)

Chapter 33: The Obelisk

Part 2/5

“What do you mean you can’t go?” Skyler sneered at Ben. He was leaning against the wall of his hut, his arms crossed and a leg pivoted against the ground. Ben blinked a few times, his eyes heavy and dark bags hidden beneath.

“Yeah, I can’t. Sorry. Something hit me last night. Must’ve been that cold the newcomer had,” Ben explained, his voice raspy. He coughed loudly to prove his point. Skyler groaned, facepalming.

“Alright, fine. Stay behind. But who’s going to take your place now?”

“Just take Sunny,” Ben said, nodding at Sunny. Her face lit up.


“Yeah. You,” Ben replied, “Go out and explore this island with the others. It’ll be nice.”

“Are you sure about this Ben? You know her ability isn’t-”

“Doesn’t really matter, does it? There’s lots of us and you’re a capable leader. You’ll do fine,” Ben answered lazily. He let out a sigh and began walking off to the farms.

“Have fun.”

Sunny looked back and forth and shrugged.

“Well I’m not complaining. I’ve been getting sick of picking up fertilizer…”

Sunny rushed inside her hut and grabbed her weapon, a small slingshot. It may be small, but it was easy to use, at least to her. She had a few rocks stashed in her pouch.

Skyler called out to the camp, announcing their departure at the gates. Eventually all who had been recruited by Skyler for their expedition to the Green Obelisk had gathered around in a small cluster. Paige was talking to Rick about something, slamming her club into her hand over and over again. Neddy was riding Goofy the Carnotaurus, holding the reins to the saddle in his hands skeptically. Ruby watched on with a smile. Sunny was twirling a small dagger in her hands, her back rested against Stream the Kaprosuchus.

Finally, Samuel noticed Aurora standing at the far end, and she smiled gently at him. Guess she was coming too.

Samuel looked back at Star, who was staring at him with soft eyes. Samuel waved goodbye, and Star lifted a wing, waving back. He smiled, turning away as the group exited the gates.

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